
On | Cloudspark


Sparking change: The story of the Cloudspark sneaker


Role: Global Creative Lead, responsible for Creative Direction & Art Direction



Transparency is essential. People are curious about products' origins, manufacturing processes, global effects; customers are more inclined to trust and remain loyal to brands that are honest and open about their principles and methods.

Issue —> Opportunity

Most of the sports industry looks at the biomechanics of just one group, cisgender men to create new designs, starting the design process with a US men’s size 10.

Innovation —> Solution?

With the Cloudspark, we challenged industry standards, flipped the design switch by closing the invisible data bias gap; designing with more people in mind. By starting with a US women’s size 7.5 prototype.
The result was a shoe unlike any other, and our first step at On in our commitment to the future. 
Incredible runners deserve an incredible shoe. Read more here.


From a different POV

After analyzing data from over 1.2 million foot scans, we decided to create a shoe for more types of runners. The Cloudspark was born from a women’s prototype (traditionally a men’s prototype is used), and from this, we created a shape and fit tailored to the needs of more runners. Its propulsive running sensation is ideal for anyone who runs in a more seated position.


Global Creative Lead: Jacqui J. Free-Sze
Global Marketing Lead: Julia Jaehne
Film Director: Jameela Elfaki
Director of Photography: Tasha Duursma
Hair & Make Up: Rachel Bredy
Cast: Alia Elgoen, Fav Oumou, Lisa, Noe Daouda,
Production: Laird and Good Company, Studio Voile
Post Production Producer: Zsofia Nemes
Production Assistant: Zakia Ali